18 Months to 30 Months
Ladybug Classroom! We're on the Move!
Toddlers are very energetic and ready to get their hands on everything. We meet this energy with great enthusiasm and provide toddlers with engaging activities and an environment to explore with peers!
The toddler classroom is a place where children are exploding with energy and are eager to interact with their peers. In this classroom children are doing a lot of observing and mirroring of each other’s behaviors. Our goal is to encourage positive interactions and model positive behaviors that will develop children’s self-image and self-help skills. We support children’s rapid language development through story time as well as singing. Children are also strengthening their balance and gross motor skills, and we support that through dance and movement. We foster small group projects in order to develop positive peer interactions and collaboration skills. Our teachers model nurturing and loving interactions in order to provide children with a trusting and supportive environment. Children are beginning to learn group routines such as meal time as well as nap/quiet time.
*In the toddler classroom, we also introduce the beginning of potty-training. Potty-training is a social experience and seeing peers try to use the toilet is a positive experience. Teachers will work closely with parents and respond to children’s individual needs and readiness to start using the mini toilets. The goal of this practice is exposure in order to prepare the child for Two’s classroom. We will continue proper diaper changes according to each child’s need.
Imitates behaviors of peers
Excited and enthusiastic to be around other children
Struggles with concept of sharing and taking turns
Begins to demonstrate defiant behavior
Begins to show independence
Responds to positive reinforcement
Shows empathy towards a peer that might be crying
Cuddles and hugs toys to show affection
Shows affection towards peers and care giver
Walks on their own
Carries, pulls large toys while walking
Climbs on and off furniture with no support
Crawls through tunnels
Hops and runs swiftly
Walks up and down stairs with caution and support
Begins to uses hands to manipulate objects such as eating utensils or art materials
Washes hands with assistance
Follows simple one step directions
Scribbles spontaneously
Uses some words to recognize book/picture characters
Points to objects named for her/him
Says several words
Uses two words sentences
Word bank ranging up to 50 words
Builds towers from blocks
Lines up toys